More than 170 people die due to fevers in Khartoum’s southern areas

The spread of diseases in Janoub al-Hizam area coincides with shortage of drugs and high cost of medical treatment in the clinics.
Khartoum: Altaghyeer
More than 170 fatalities were reported during this week in Janoub al-Hizam area of southern Khartoum due to spread of dengue, malaria and typhoid fevers, the Emergency Room of Janoub al-Hizam said in a report on Friday.
The voluntary group has described the health situation in the area as “catastrophic” particularly after closure of the internal medicine section in Bashaair Hospital which used to receive 120-210 patients daily.
It is also difficult for the residents to get medical treatment in the clinics due to high prices.
The area suffers also acute shortage of drugs, including life-saving medicines, as well as high prices.
The group reported 1450 cases of dengue fever in the area while malaria and the Ethiopian fever scored 1153. The real number of cases and fatalities are likely more as many cases are not brought to the hospitals and health centres.
Since outbreak of the 17 month long war between the Sudanese Army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, Janoub al-Hizam area in south Khartoum continued to witness deteriorated health situations and lack of basic services.